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Why Choose

Smart Vendor Verification
& Onboarding
Interoperable Invoice
Invoice Financing

See what’s possible with

Digital Business Onboarding
& B2B ID creation

Onboard your business digitally and start paying using your BBPS B2B ID right away.

  • Businesses can self-register on the platform using their PAN and GST number.
  • Happay creates BBPS B2B ID on the NBBL B2B-CU platform. The BBPS B2B ID can be used to pay and receive invoices.
  • Search verified businesses on the Pan-India interoperable network.

Automated Invoice Capture

Simplified Vendor Management

Simplified Vendor Management

Swift & 100% accurate and compliant vendor registration. Enter the GST or PAN no., and Happay will automatically retrieve all other essential details.

  • Store all your vendor details in one convenient location.
  • Automatically validate a vendor’s bank account using penny-drop test to prevent funds from going into an incorrect account.
  • Additionally, Happay allows you to retrieve all your past vendor data using your company’s GSTIN. This ensures that you don’t have to add past vendors manually.
  • Register a vendor with complete details within 60 seconds.

Inter-operable sharing of

Share invoices between different vendors and contacts inter-operably using Happay platform.

  • Happay will automatically retrieve all Sales and Purchase invoices using your company’s GSTIN. We also link this to your vendor’s B2B ID.
  • E2E invoice lifecycle management from existing platform (make, deliver, acknowledge invoices, pay, and raise for finance).
  • The NBBL BBPS platform enables invoices to be shared in real time with vendors from different platforms, resulting in genuine interoperability.

Inter-operable sharing of Invoices

Payment Options

Multiple Payment Options with Real-time
Status Updates

Choose from a wide range of options while making any payment – debit cards, credit cards, bank-transfer, and UPI.

  • One-stop payments, collection solution (pay multiple invoices from multiple suppliers in one go).
  • Schedule payments against an Invoice and put auto-reminders for Sales invoices to receive payments. Gives flexibility for funds managements.

Invoice Financing

Access invoice financing to cover your invoice payment demands and boost your working cash.

  • Share an invoice for financing from the same platform.
  • Compare bids from multiple lenders all on a single platform for a hassle-free experience.
  • Access to buyer-approved invoices on the platform to obtain financing.

Access to Credit Line

Robust Approval Workflow

Create workflows for both vendor and payment approvals in a single platform, eliminating the risk of unauthorized payments.

  • Vendor Approvals: Create an approval workflow to prevent payments to unauthorized vendors.
  • Payment Approvals: Create amount-based approval hierarchies.
  • Track the complete audit trail of all approvals and payments from one platform.
  • Ensure zero escalations arising from unauthorized payment approvals or email/paper-based approvals during audits.

Approval Workflow

Our customers love us. You will too.

Caters to the business requirements. Easy navigation and user-friendly.

Best solution to track and monitor online spends across the organization.

Useful Dashboard & Easy Onboarding.

One-stop solution for Business Credit Management.

Best solution to track and monitor online spends across the organization.